"Removing Barriers to Childcare Facilities Development"
DESIGN INSTITUTE is a must for you if:
You are embarking upon
your first childcare center project. |
You have just survived (barely) a childcare
center project. |
You are a seasoned professional interested
in the newest childcare design and development ideas. |
You wish you had colleagues with whom
you could create new designs and concepts in a non-competitive environment. |
Your employer, company, or college
is considering a childcare center project and they need help in deciding
whether or not to proceed. |
The Institute's multidisciplinary curriculum
will enable you to better work with other members of a design development
team and will help you save time and money. Through the 2001 and 2002
Institutes held in Pasadena, California, we have positively impacted
the design process and the design outcomes of over thirty childcare
center projects. In the future, we will be holding the Institute in
a variety of locations. If you are interested in having an Institute
held in your region, please contact us. If you would like to attend
an Institute, please click on the link below to view our recent curricula
and fees. When we are offering an Institute, you can download the
registration form and fees by clicking on the link below. Or call
Dr. Gretchen Anderson at (502) 452-8148 for more information and a
